时间:2012-07-03 09:58 责任编辑:现金娱乐场_澳门现金赌场-官方版APP下载 来源:现金娱乐场_澳门现金赌场-官方版APP下载 点击: 次
James. Can you name one thing we use for the majority of people that our exploration has accomplished· I’m 66 yo and I cannot except foam mattresses that are over priced
don · 2 hrs 46 mins ago
We still are ahead of the Chinese. They have launched 6 people in 9 YEARS.
Mr. Smith · 6 hrs ago
Good for China, i wish them all the best.
RG2010 · 8 hrs ago
We laugh at Chinese technology and yet we don’t even have the means to send an American astronaut into space ever since NASA killed the Space shuttle program.
leroyred · Tampa, Florida · 7 hrs ago
I gave you a thumbs up, but it wasn’t NASA. It was congress. Some is NASA fault for sure, but mostly congress.
Robert · Everett, Washington · 7 hrs ago
Safe Journey
soe · 7 hrs ago
Congratulation China ! As a member of human race , I am really proud of your achievement !
D · 8 hrs ago
Who ever thought China would be sending men into space and the USA would permanently end their space program· Obama and the current politicians in office have a lot to learn from China.
TangoRic · 9 hrs ago
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